Hi! I am Antonin Callard and I am a PhD student on symbolic dynamics and its connections to computability in Caen (France) under Pascal Vanier. If you want to learn more about me (or get my email address), you can visit this page. If you want to read my personal blog, you can go here. In any case, welcome!
✨ Since I am in the last year of my PhD, I am currently looking for postdoc positions beginning in September 2025: if you know of someone who knows of someone who maybe has the money to fund such positions in symbolic dynamics, computability, or information theory/complexity, I am definitely interested!
Recent activities
My time is mostly dedicated to writing my thesis these days, but the paper with Léo Paviet Salomon and Pascal Vanier on extender sets of multidimensional subshifts will appear in STACS 2025! A draft (which will very soon get an update to match the final version) is available on arXiv.